oh: life, blather, fandom: actual participation omg, tv: random, movies

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  • there ought to be a time that we can set aside

    thecomfychair Nov 08, 2010 21:12

    Duchovny talks X-Files 3 script

    Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in. Oh X-Files. Even though this probably means we'll get a new X-Files in roughly 2020 considering Duchovny's track record with "confirmations". Maybe it can redeem the awfulness of the second movie. Or maybe it will just be beating a dead horse ( Read more... )

    oh: life, blather, tv: x-files, clean all the things?

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  • oh baby i'm a

    thecomfychair Sep 08, 2010 00:13

    Four! Four things! ah-ah-ah ( Read more... )

    tv: teevee, meme, tv: random, tv: supernatural, tv: nerd herd, videos, tv: psychmobile, oh: lj, tv: how i met your big bang, music: kris can get his own tag i guess, oh: life

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  • caturday

    thecomfychair May 11, 2010 03:09

    lolol that will be my cat on Sunday

    So much internet drama this week in so many fandoms. Save it for the hiatus, y'all (except for the SPN fail, which needs to have never existed in the first place, and yet still continues on days later.  I keep on stumbling upon these Not Getting It posts even though I am actively trying to avoid them, like they're ( Read more... )

    oh: life, movies, oh: law school, lolcat

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  • fantasy dreidel leagues

    thecomfychair Dec 24, 2009 15:01


    Read more... )

    music: kris can get his own tag i guess, oh: life, holiday: tis the season, tv: supernatural, music, tv: this is not an american idol tag, holiday: holidaze

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  • And the horse you rode in on

    thecomfychair Jul 29, 2009 14:08

    I have stable internet again, woohoo! But now my workload has doubled at work and I'm still lacking time. /o\

    I was going to respond to all your lovely Torchwood comments, but basically my reaction is still KEYBOARD SMASH, and you all deserve better than incoherent bitter rambles. But I &heart; you all for not making me feel like I'm going ( Read more... )

    oh: fandom, fandom: scares me sometimes, books: bookworm, tv: torchwood, oh: life, flist powers activate!, tv: this is not an american idol tag, oh: law school

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  • Bow Down

    thecomfychair Jun 21, 2009 13:17

    So the complete and utter lack of sleep I've gotten over the past two days has been worth it because wooo, my team won the ontd_ai scavenger hunt. EPIC. I am particularly pleased with the badfic paragraph I wrote (LOL, first "fic" I've finished in TWO YEARS and it's Adam comparing Kris to sunscreen.) The other teams' entries were hilarious as well, I ( Read more... )

    oh: life, fandom: actual participation omg, omg yay, tv: this is not an american idol tag, the internet is here

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  • chocolate chocolate chocolate ack

    thecomfychair Sep 24, 2008 17:55

    I had a nice long, and thought-out post typed up about McCain's Latest Move and how I think the debates should go on (and how unlikely it is that the economic problems of this country can be solved before election day, plus, I doubt the financial crisis bill is going to make it before the floor before Friday), and then the Bag of Crap came up over ( Read more... )

    oh: life, the sky is falling oh noes, tv: ich liebe seifenopern, politics

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  • fraught with almost danger

    thecomfychair Sep 12, 2008 17:09

    oh hair thar gas panic, we usually don't see you this far north, considering MI gas prices are high in general. 60 cent jump, wtf. And I just heard that about an hour west of here it's jumped up to almost $6. Uncool.

    here's some whose line to make up for the grumbling:

    image Click to view

    oh: life, videos, tv: the points don't matter

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